This issue gathers Varia articles of La Revue LEeE. They are published as they are accepted. The publication year is specific to each text. Do not hesitate to submit :-)
Assessment and inclusion in primary school
No 9 (2024)Issue number 9 of the journal presents the work of researchers and teachers on the crucial role of assessment in aiming for a more inclusive school. These studies focus on language learning in primary school and take place in the context of French-speaking Switzerland, where the desire to instill a school assessment culture more conducive to student learning reveals new guidelines and new evaluative practices.
International Educational Assessment Network (IEAN) : developments in French- and Italian-speaking Switzerland
No 8 (2024)Issue 8 of La Revue LEeE showcases the outcomes of discussions from the IEAN-CH network: International Educational Assessment Network for French-speaking Switzerland and Ticino. This network was established following the creation of the IEAN network in 2018 in Scotland, aiming to bring together "small nations and states" around educational assessment. Each participating canton is represented by at least one person working in academia and another in the politico-administrative context. Researchers from Swiss educational research centers were also invited. This issue presents the network's work on the production of reference documents aimed at fostering cultures of assessment that are increasingly conducive to student learning.
Democracy and democratization of assessment in education and training: What are the stakes?
No 7 (2023)The publications in this Issue 7 of La Revue LEeE were developed within the framework of a REF symposium (Education and Training Network, 2022, Universities of Mons and Namur in Belgium) coordinated by Lucie Mottier Lopez and Céline Girardet. This issue aims to problematize educational assessment from the perspective of democratization processes and different models of democracy in various intervention and research contexts.
Towards constructive summative assessment and grading practices
No 6 (2022)Issue 6 of « La Revue LEeE » presents the work of researchers and teachers who reflect on the conditions necessary to develop constructive summative assessment and grading practices.
Emotions and assessment
No 5 (2022)Issue 5 of « La Revue LEeE » aims to investigate the topic of emotions associated with any assessment-related situation, in any educational context and any educational level. The scientific purpose of this issue is to study the relationships between assessment and emotions.
Les questions évaluatives dans les recherches-interventions : publications des et de l'université de Toulouse
No 4 (2021)Issue 4 of La Revue LEeE brings together texts written by PhD students and researchers from the University of Toulouse about assessment in Intervention-Research. The work on these texts was included in a doctoral training program.
Issues in Assessment and Learning Processes: Publications by doctoral students and young researchers from the University of Geneva
No 3 (2021)This issue presents articles authored by doctoral students and young researchers from the University of Geneva, who work on assessment in learning processes in diverse teaching contexts. These texts were written in the context of scientific writing and peer reviewing doctoral training. This doctoral training is described and studied in the introduction and conclusion articles of this issue.
Assessment in higher education
No 2 (2020)Ce numéro aborde l'évaluation dans différents contextes de l'enseignement supérieur, dans le cadre de formations initiales et continues, d'élaborations collaboratives de programmes universitaires, de conseils et accompagnements pédagogiques, et de développement professionnel en enseignement. Des situations locales, nationales et internationales sont examinées. Plusieurs des articles sont issus d'un symposium "Réseau Education et Formation" qui traitait cette question au regard également de l'utilisation de dispositifs numériques (REF, Université de Toulouse, 2019).
What are the links between collaborative research and assessment?
No 1 (2019)This issue focuses on the issues of assessment of and for collaborative research in education. This issue emanates from the 10th anniversary of the ADMEE-Europe network "Collaborative Research on Assessment Practices". Articles are only in French but abstracts are in French and English.
Research on La Revue LEeE
This issue is always open and presents texts and figures emerging from research conducted ON the journal. It aims to study the innovative practices of the journal, specifically the open and collaborative peer review process. Journal statistics can also be included in this issue.