No 8 (2024): International Educational Assessment Network (IEAN) : developments in French- and Italian-speaking Switzerland

					View No 8 (2024): International Educational Assessment Network (IEAN) : developments in French- and Italian-speaking Switzerland

Issue 8 of La Revue LEeE showcases the outcomes of discussions from the IEAN-CH network: International Educational Assessment Network for French-speaking Switzerland and Ticino. This network was established following the creation of the IEAN network in 2018 in Scotland, aiming to bring together "small nations and states" around educational assessment. Each participating canton is represented by at least one person working in academia and another in the politico-administrative context. Researchers from Swiss educational research centers were also invited. This issue presents the network's work on the production of reference documents aimed at fostering cultures of assessment that are increasingly conducive to student learning.

Published: 05.03.2024

Cover page and summary of the issue