Information for authors

In line with the editorial policy of the journal, authors accept not to submit their text to other journals simultaneously. Submitted texts have to convey an original work that has not, in whole or in parts, been published in another journal or book. Authors who submit a text accept not to publish their text elsewhere once their text is published.

Seven types of scientific texts can be submitted to the journal

This type of text presents orginal and recent research results based on empirical data regarding assessment issues in the educational and training context. This type of text presents an introduction that clearly states the problem statement, the aims and structure of the article; a "literature review" or "theoretical framework" section that states concept choices that where made to conduct the empirical study; a "methodology" section presenting research questions, context, data collection and analyses methods; A "results" section that explicitely answers research questions; A "discussion" section that comes back to the main conclusions and presents some developments and perspectives.


Such as empirical research articles, this type of text is charaterized by the intention to know, understand and explain the characteristics of an object of study or a world phenomenon (translated from Gohier, 1998, p. 271). Nevertheless, speculative research consists in an exercise of the mind, some would say 'language game', producing theoretical statements. Speculative research does not rely on the inscriptions (data) it produced to ground its argumentation, and, when it uses them, it is always inscriptions that were produced elsewhere that it does not comment directly, but of which it borrows already uttered comments in order to correct, amend, complete or refute (translated from Van der Maren, 1990, p. 53).

In this journal, this type of text refers to: (1) those aiming to contribute to the building of a conceptual model or a theory; (2) those aiming to propose a methodological development or a methodological tool. The structure of this type of texts is close to that of an empirical research article, with an introduction presenting the "issue", the theoretical and/or methodological development grounded on a collection of texts and on a stated method in order to achieve the aim of the article, and a discussion summing up the main contributions and presents some developments and perspectives.

This type of text has the particularity to present a systematic scientific process on a pool of existing research results regarding a common issue. The analysis can be qualitative, quantitative or mixed-methods. It should be reproductible. Such as for a research article, meta-analyses should include a theoretical section, research questions, methodology, results and discussion. The text should explicitely specify the scientific process used to collect the results and show the new knowledge produced through this process, or the reinterpretation or existing knowledge verification at stake.

This type of text presents a state of art about an issue or subject related to an assessment issue in the education and training context. It is organized in at least three sections: (1) an "introduction" that delineates the issue/problem. It presents the issue, the methodology used to search the literature, and the structure of the synthesis note. (2) a "literature" section (main body of the text) that is organized in a clear manner around axes or analysis entries chosen and justified by the author. This section presents a discusson of the different selected sources. (3) a "conclusion" section that sums up the main contributions of the synthesis, the agreements, controversies, remaining questions, and future implications.

This type of text presents a critical synthesis of a book or collective book about an education and training assessment issue. It brings a critical lense on the book scope, its inputs and limits within the specificities of the related field. The review should concern a recent book (beyond 18 months, it will be rejected). Book review's evaluations are made by the editors or by an external reviewer.

This type of text is characterized by a reflexive approach to professional practice based on the experience of the author. Typically, a practice narrative describes an evaluation practice that has been experienced and provides elements for analysing this practice in the light of the literature. Practice narratives thus allow to link reflection on professional practice and university research, starting from the analysis of an experience to theorize it in order to broaden or deepen the reflection on the practice in question.

This type of text consists in carrying out in-depth theoretical work on one or more concepts related to an evaluative problem and, based on this theoretical work, to propose non-prescriptive and non-normative suggestions for practice. The practical implications article allows to draw links between scientific research and implications related to a given professional practice. This type of article is organized in at least three sections: (1) An introductory section, which presents the issue and defines the concepts developed in the article. It also specifies the scientific approach used for choosing the literature and for elaborating the practical implications. (2) A "literature" section that presents research results relating to the concepts and the problem at hand. (3) A "practical implications" section that presents, in a critical and non-normative manner, courses of action based on the literature presented previously. In this type of article, the "practical implications" section must be more extensive than in an empirical research article (aim for at least 1/4 of the text).


Except for book reviews (2000 words), texts shouldn't exceed 10'000 words, without references, appendices, tables and figures. The journal accepts original and unusual text structures as long as the scientific aims of each type of texts are clear and as long as the different sections are presented in a coherent way.


Peer reviewers are asked to apply the following criteria:

  • The text corresponds to the type of text announced and is organised according to the main parts that characterise it.
  • The sequence of the contents of the text is coherent (internal consistency, thread).
  • The research questions and/or hypotheses are specified.
  • The epistemological approach is specified.
  • The text proposes a reasoned state of knowledge and theories in relation to the object of study.
  • The key concepts and/or variables, as well as their relation, are explained.
  • The context and participants, data collection and associated tools are specified and relevant.
  • The method of data analysis is described and is relevant to the research question.
  • The results are rigorously interpreted and discussed in relation to the research objectives and the literature.
  • Developmental perspectives are discussed and scientific and/or social implications are outlined.
  • The text complies with the editorial standards of "La Revue LEeE".


Texts can be submitted anytime of the year. They are published as soon as they are ready.

Thematic issues can be planned in two ways:

  • Either it's aspontaneous proposition of a special issue project made to the editorial team. In this case, a presentation of the issue and its contributions is necessary. In case of acceptation, the special issue will be coordinated by an invited editor, in collaboration with a journal editor. The issue will be submitted to a peer review that is in line with the journal policy. An introduction to the issue will be demanded, and a conclusion can be added.
  • Or, the editorial committee lauches a call for contributions on a given topic. The specifics will be details for each call. Peer review principles stay the same.
  • From their first version, submissions should respect the editorial guidelines of the journal to be able to be sent to the peer review process. If those guidelines are not respected. the peer review process will not begin.
Two peer review modalities are proposed to the authors:
  • An open peer review, in a collaborative and learning-oriented perspective of scientific knowledge building. With this modality, the text is first published in a pre-publication version.
  • A double blind peer review, in a classical peer review perspective.

When submitting their text, authors indicate which peer review modality their choose after reading the guidelines regarding each peer review modality.

Numerical support of te texts

  • All exchanges between editorial committee members, authors, reviewers or any other person are made through the platform.
  • Thanks to this platform, authors can be informed at all times of the updates regarding their submission.
  • The recommended text format is Microsoft ® Word (2010 or more recent verson) or any other comparable open source format. Image formats recommended for figures and graphs are JPEG, GIF, TIFF.

Life of the article

The journal offers authors the opportunity to review and increase their published text in the form of new versions. Each version is specifically referenced to identify them precisely.

The possibility is also offered to consider educational projects based on one or more texts, in a variety of formats discussed with the editorial team, in line with different tools proposed by the plateform (e.g., Reso LEeE, ScéFor LEeE).

Register to submit a text

All the exchange with authors and reviewers are made through the journal platform. Authors have to register (top right of the page) and complete their scientific profile. The next steps will happen through your personal (secure) dashboard (top right of the page).