Lucie Mottier Lopez
Praz-Simon 1
1807 Blonay
About La Revue LEeE
La Revue LEeE intends to disseminate scientific contributions that address assessment issues in the field of education and training. In the perspective of lifelong learning, assessment is a sensitive subject because of its multiple functions and challenges, which may be contradictory and paradoxical among themselves, but are nevertheless crucial in education and training. It concerns a large number of actors (learners, researchers, citizens, teachers, managers, politicians, practitioners). "La Revue LEeE" is open access. It aims to promote collaborative peer review practices, in an open and formative perspective of scientific knowledge building.
Ethical guidelines
© 2018
ISSN 2673-5202
Legal notice
"La Revue LEeE" is available under the terms of the Licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d’Utilisation Commerciale 4.0 International