Culture, strategy and transformation

A case study of high stakes qualifications and assessment in Scotland


  • Louise Hayward University of Glasgow



national qualifications, assessment reform, transformation, co-constructed policy, changing culture


Attempts to change national education systems are recognized internationally as extremely challenging. This is particularly true when the success of a potential innovation requires support from wider society.  Reform of high stakes qualifications and assessment is such a case; where success depends not only on the commitment of learners and teachers but also on the active support of wider groups such as parents, policy makers, employers, universities, and colleges. This article presents a case study of a policy process, the Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment in Scotland, commissioned by Scottish Government. The methodology attempted to co-construct policy with all those whose support would be crucial to the successful enactment of policy proposals. First establishing the context for change, the article introduces the theoretical model that underpinned the policy process and how that influenced the development to the point when the report, ‘It’s Our Future’, was submitted to the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills in Scotland. The Review advocates significant reform to qualifications and assessment in Scotland, moving from qualifications that are principally subject-based to “The Scottish Diploma of Achievement”, an inclusive, baccalaureate-style graduation diploma.  The article concludes by reflecting on challenges in reform of national high-stakes qualifications and assessment and tensions inherent in deeply collaborative approaches to national policy development.


03.04.2024 — Updated on 21.06.2024


How to Cite

Hayward, L. (2024). Culture, strategy and transformation: A case study of high stakes qualifications and assessment in Scotland. La Revue LEeE (Assessment in Education Journal), (8). (Original work published April 3, 2024)