Co-creating instituting documents

Processes and challenges


  • Céline Girardet University of Geneva



syntesis article, collaborative processes of document production, transformation of assessment cultures


This article presents a synthesis of the cantonal (Fribourg, Neuchâtel, Jura, Tessin, Valais) and intercantonal (IRDP) texts from issue 8 of La Revue LEeE, contextualizing them in relation to the conceptual propositions outlined in Lucie Mottier Lopez’s introductory text within the same issue. The collaborative processes of co-developing institutionally-oriented documents are part of broader movements aiming to transform evaluative cultures. These processes involve education professionals at various levels within the educational sphere. Collaborative processes vary from one canton to another, yet all strive to engage teachers in the approach. Actors encountered challenges, such as negotiating terminology, and anticipated challenges, such as resistance to change from the teachers. Finally, this article examines the notions of boundary objects and boundary spanners that contribute to building bridges of dialogue and coherence between the spheres of the system, facilitating the transformation of evaluative cultures towards positive future-oriented assessment.


07.10.2023 — Updated on 05.03.2024


How to Cite

Girardet, C. (2024). Co-creating instituting documents: Processes and challenges. La Revue LEeE (Assessment in Education Journal), (8). (Original work published October 7, 2023)