Learning assessment guidelines in the canton of Neuchâtel

Developing a shared, collaboratively constructed vision of assessment practices


  • Christiane Droz Giglio Service de l'enseignement obligatoire, canton de Neuchâtel
  • Annick Challet Jeanneret Service de l'enseignement obligatoire, canton de Neuchâtel
  • Kim Desaules Enseignement obligatoire, Canton de Neuchâtel
  • Raphaël Lehmann HEP-BEJUNE




assessment for learning, policy, assessment practices


In 2021, the canton of Neuchâtel (Switzerland) published a brochure entitled Lignes directrices pour l’évaluation des apprentissages des élèves (hereafter LDE). The article presents the process of writing this text. Initially meant to answer questions about assessment arising from secondary school teachers after the structural reform of the 3rd cycle, the text was adapted and extended to cover all levels. The government mandated a working group, made of education officials, headmasters and representatives of teachers' unions, to write guidelines on assessment practices at the secondary level.  This co-authored document was edited and reworked to factor in the political will to redefine the general framework for assessment and reposition it as a pedagogical lever to support student learning in grades 1 to 11. The LDE aim to develop a common culture that takes into account the shift to competency-based assessment, encourages assessment for learning, and adapts assessment to the learning abilities of students with special educational needs. For teachers' practices to be in line with the policy described in the LDE, it seems necessary to maintain continuing education on assessment-related topics in schools, to review cantonal regulations and to develop further tools exemplifying assessment practices.


16.07.2023 — Updated on 05.03.2024


How to Cite

Droz Giglio, C., Challet Jeanneret, A., Desaules, K., & Lehmann, R. (2024). Learning assessment guidelines in the canton of Neuchâtel: Developing a shared, collaboratively constructed vision of assessment practices . La Revue LEeE (Assessment in Education Journal), (8). https://doi.org/10.48325/rleee.008.04 (Original work published July 16, 2023)